Sunday, November 28, 2010

Almost Skunked

My son Patrick gets home from work about 2:00a.m. every morning.  He parked is Ford pickup on the far side of his car port beside his prized white Harley Davidson.  He got out walked past the Harley and stopped at his back door.  He works for a trucking company as a mechanic and he always pulls his greasy work pants off at his back door.  So on this night he had dropped them down to his ankles and was about to step out of them when he heard this soft noise behind him.  He slowly turned around and there in the darkness he could still see that white stripe on this dark object moving towards him.  In his mind he wanted to scream but with his knowledge of wild animals he kept perfectly still.  The skunk was almost beside the motorcycle.

Patrick started sweating profusely. He couldn't run, his pants were down by his ankles and he knew if he took a step he'd probably trip.  Oh Dear God, he secretly prayed, what do I do.  If that skunk sprays here my bike will be,  my truck will be, and my wife will be........And I don't want to think what she will say or shout!!

He came up will all negative answers.  Then he took a gamble.  He gently whispered "SHEW!"

Before his eyes the skunk simply turned around. Oh No, he almost shouted!  But the skunk just waddled back down the drive and into the night.  Patrick was overwhelmed with joy. He quickly stepped out of his greasy work pants and rushed into his house, and he didn't slam the back door either.

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