Friday, November 5, 2010

Sarcadosis, what's that?

I first found out about sarcadosis in 2003.  I had this humongous itch on my back, a lot of whelps, I thought it was shingles.  I went to the doctor, he said it's not shingles, and I don't know what it is.  So he sent me to a dermatologist.  That doctor took a biopsy of one of the whelps. In about a week he called me in, said I had non case eating granuloma, or sarcadosis for short. Then he sent me to a lung specialist, because sarcadosis attacks the lungs and other organs.  Sure enough, I had a bunch of things in my lungs, that doctor did a biopsy of each one and they were all sarcadosis.  He informed me there wasn't any cure.  There is no known cause.  Many people of the African American heritage get it. and the only treatment was steroids-predinisone.  Well, I had many thoughts about all that, since I'm white, female and almost 280 pounds.  I turned down the treatment since the Doctor wanted me to be on it for two years.  I figured at 280 and with steroids added, I wouldn't be able to get through the door. 

At my church on the following Sunday night the Pastor had a healing service.  Each member of the church took a seat one at a time and all the other members prayed over that person.  I didn't tell anyone what I had or anything about this terrible condition. And I was the last one to take a seat.  In about three days all the whelps disappeared.

Two years later, time for my sarcadosis check-up.  I went back to the lung doctor, he gave me the dickens for not taking the medicine, but I had lost about 20 pounds by then and I weighed about 260.  He took more x-rays and all the spots were GONE!  He put the old x-rays up on the board then put the new ones beside them and yep they were all gone.

I believe that God had his hand in this. I did go back to church that Sunday and give a Praise Report to my Pastor and the Assistant Pastor.

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