Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Shuttle!

I was in Boston on business and I wanted to come home for a few days, so I booked a flight on an American Airlines Shuttle, round trip.  That meant I took a small jet from Boston to New York and got off that plane and boarded another small jet to Baltimore.  It was my last time flying.

The first hop to New York was o.k. Then I boarded the second hop to Baltimore.  There was only a few people on this flight, maybe 6.  I took a window seat by the left wing. I looked out the window and could see this long BLACK streak down the side of the wing, kind of looked like there may have been fire coming out of the jet engine at some time or other. That's when I fastened my seat belt. Then the flight attendant went to this Asian couple sitting together near the front of the isle, on their side of the isle there were two seats and on my side was one seat per row, and asked them to move to the back to balance out the weight.  Oh my gosh, both of them together didn't weigh what I weighed, how could they balance the plane.  I jacked the seat belt even tighter, as I watched the couple move to the back of the plane.

I'm kind of a compulsive eater when I get bothered by something and those little boxes of crackers and one can of soda didn't hit it.  My stomach started growling like well, it was very loud.

We took off and banked then leveled off.  The flight was really nice, the day was bright and we didn't seem to have any difficulty especially since the weight of the passengers was well BALANCED.  Then when we were approaching BWI in Baltimore, I could see the runway with the arrows and x-es on the runway, the plane took a (to me) sudden hard bank and it looked like I was sideways looking at the runway.  The pilot leveled off and made a perfect landing.

I couldn't wait to get my feet on the ground. I unlatched that seat belt and almost ran off the plane.

My friend Linda picked my up at the airport.  She asked if I wanted something to eat, and I told her don't pass the first 7-11, I was ready for real heart burn.  I wanted 2 chili cheese dogs and I wanted them right now.

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