Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Return Flight

Monday morning Linda picked me up early, way early.  She had to be back home by 7:00 a.m. or close to that time.  She had to take her kids to a school function. So she dropped me off at B.W.I. almost 2 and 1/2 hours early.

I checked in at the terminal.  I took a seat, sat down and just dozed and waited.  I got up, gazed out on the tarmac at all the airplanes.  They seemed so huge compared to the tow tractors that were being driven around.  I looked way over there, I mean way across the tarmac.  There was this odd looking airplane.  It sort of had a square front, like one of those old timey looking planes.  It was a prop job.  I hope that's not MY plane I secretly prayed to myself.

It never moved, the other airplanes were hooking up to their terminals.  It just sat way out there. A little before 7:00 a.m. the announcement came, "Shuttle flight to New York and Boston exit terminal and proceed across tarmac to" I didn't even hear anything else, I just looked at all the people going out the door and realized that I was supposed to be going with them.  Not me, I don't want to go on THAT plane!  I forced myself to go.

I slowly walked across the tarmac hoping I was dreaming, but I wasn't. The closer I got to that plane, the hotter I got. I was having a hot flash!!!  Then the sweat started.  One of the flight attendants asked me if I was o.k.  I told her I was just HOT!

The portable boarding steps that fitted tightly up to the door to the airplane seemed awfully narrow.  I went up one step at a time almost hesitating at each one.  I squeezed through the door, and down the isle and took my seat.  I belted in real good.

This airplane was similar to the one in one of those Indiana Jones movies. I thought Harrison Ford would be coming down the isle any moment.  Yep I kept looking for him.

The pilot took off, my ears popped.  I'd never flown on a prop job before and this flight was the rest of my round trip, my last round trip.  I had packed a lunch in my bag and quickly got it out.  The ham sandwich tasted good.  I chased it with a coke.  And again the flight attendant asked me if I was alright.  I assured her I was.  But I really wasn't.  I bet my blood pressure was on or near the explosive level.  I tried to take deep breaths and close my eyes, but I could still hear and feel the vibration of the engines. There seemed to be more vibration from this prop than from the jet.  It was almost like driving my husband's 4/wheel drive down a dirt road, with a lot of pot holes, real bumpy.

I didn't have to change planes to Boston.  We landed in New York, almost all of the passengers got off. A few more boarded for Boston.  And that quick we took off and it seemed like only minutes we were landing at Logan.

I finally took the seat belt off, slowly got up and quietly exited the plane.  I found the bathroom, then the exit for the transit and back to my room.  My cat was glad to see me back and I was glad to be back all in one piece.

I watched the news on tv that night.  There, oh my, there was an American Eagle sitting on the tarmac at O'Hare airport.  It's landing gears had collapsed during the landing and it looked like the airplane was on it's knees praying. I did hear that there were no injuries.  I looked again at the airplane, and I got down on my knees.  I sure did.

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