Friday, December 10, 2010


Patrick got home from work at 2:00a.m. He quickly changed into his sweats and decided to have a sandwich and some coffee.  He noticed a van sitting beside his house with the headlights on.  The van was just sitting there in the road with the motor humming.  A big question mark arose in his head.  What the heck's going on. Who would be stopped in the middle of the street?  Then he heard the doors slam. He looked out and could see three people standing there in the dark beside the van.  With that, he eased out his back door, hugging the side of his house.  He knew they couldn't see him.  He kept staring into the darkness.  He watched, taking short breaths so they wouldn't hear his heart pounding in his chest.

There, he could tell the taller person was a lady and the other two were young girls, but he couldn't see what they were doing.  He watched intently.  Then the lady moved a little and he could see it.  The largest FROG he had ever seen.  The lady was stooping down to grab it.

He crept up behind them.  They were so involved in catching the frog, they never heard Patrick. Just about the time the lady grabbed the frog, he said in the deepest tone he could muster, "DID YOU GET 'EM?"

The lady grabbed the frog, and jumped into the van.  The girls jumped into the creek beside the road, all screaming for their lives.

Patrick fell down onto  the road laughing.   Then he realized how much he had scared them. He walked to the lady's van, knocked on the window. He said with a big grin, he was sorry.  He tried not to laugh, but couldn't help himself. He apologized again.  By now she knew he didn't mean them any harm and she laughed too.

Her daughters didn't laugh, they were all wet.  They were really mad at him. 
"Well, you saved the FROG. What are you going to do with him?" he asked her.

She told him "I'm going to put him back into the creek, and finish my job.
I'm the newspaper lady. My daughters were trying to help me tonight deliver the papers, and look at them all soaked."

Patrick apologized again.  He told her all he saw was a parked van in front of his house and heard the doors open and close. He didn't know who they were.  Of course he watches for them every night when he gets home and now waves to them daily.

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